All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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3 books by Daniel Heath Justice

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by Daniel Heath Justice

Series: The Way of Thorn and Thunder
Book 1 of 3
Taking fantasy literature beyond the stereotypes, Daniel Heath Justice’s acclaimed Thorn and Thunder novels are set in a world resembling eighteenth-century North America. The story of the struggle for the green world of the Everland, home of the forest-dwelling Kyn, is an adventure tale that bends genre and gender.
Cherokee author and inspirations, queer characters
setting, queered culture, , race Native American 2005 Adult

by Daniel Heath Justice

Series: The Way of Thorn and Thunder
Book 2 of 3
[none given]
Cherokee author and inspirations, queer characters
setting, queered culture, , race Native American 2006 Adult

by Daniel Heath Justice

Series: The Way of Thorn and Thunder
Book 3 of 3
The Eternity Tree has fallen, and with it falls Sheynadwiin. The forces of Eromar ravage the Everland, and the skies are filled with the smoke and ashes of the burning forests. Those Folk who do not escape into the far mountains and hidden valleys are driven into the broken westlands of Humanity, where Dreydmaster Vald reveals the full vision of his grand ambition, one that will annihilate even the memory of the Kyn and their kind. Yet not all the Folk walk down the Darkening Road. As the Redthorn Wielder, Tarsaodeshae, and her group of freedom fighters travel west to free their people, a young Tetawa Dolltender and her Strangeling compatriot head to the East, to plead their case to the Reachwarden in great Chalimor, the shining capital of the Reach of Men. Unexpected allies stand at their side, even as deadly enemies rise up to surround them. Yet surrender is not an option, for the Folk stand at the edge of oblivion. Never since the Melding have they faced such danger. Will their roots hold fast, or will they be lost upon the storm?
Cherokee author and inspirations, queer characters
setting, queered culture, , race Native American 2007 Adult

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